Warehouse Resource Optimiser – Labour Management Module

Labour Management Module

A detailed weekly labour plan is formulated, divided into an individual daily, shift and section / functional plan, so allowing a vision of what is required at every level of management.

  • Based on the client’s master transport schedule, the depot departure profile is generated and is validated against vehicle fleet availability in what we call the departure return profile.
  • From this modelling, the warehouse plan is created, based on the requirements for volume to depart the site and other operational parameters defined that allows the client to dictate as a standard how close to departure they want to work based on shift costs, marshalling capacity etc.
  • Based on the departure plan the model can calculate and define the marshalling plan for a given day, the space needed to stand picked orders, as well as tracking your container pool and highlighting projected shortfalls.
  • The tools calculate the labour requirements for each function in the warehouse, direct and indirect, by shift for each day of the week.
  • Once the plan is finalised, activity from there on in is measured against plan.
  • Day on day as actual data is captured the plan dynamically re-aligns based on where you are now. This allows you to always be able to look forward to the end of the shift / day and week and know where you will be, based on where you actually are now.
  • From the plan the forward shift patterns are confirmed and the use of temporary, casual labour and overtime can be planned as much as possible ahead of time as you know exactly where your shortfalls are.
  • As employees are confirmed on the shift and activity the numbers are dynamically re-calculated and the picture of where you are against plan re-aligned. Any addition or removal of labour in any area will re-align the output immediately.
  • Activity / shift / day capacities are calculated and carry over figures are calculated for each activity in the warehouse based on standards.
  • At every part of the process the module is calculating dynamic performance figures and reporting them as required.
  •  ‘What If?’ scenarios can be run to model the effect on resource of changes in volume or operating profiles such as Christmas, Easter, take on of new stores etc.

Module Summary

Key drivers are defined and operational volume forecasts created:


A detailed labour plan is created for shift planning:


   Staff shift rotas are created in line with the requirements of the plan:


 A capacity plan is created to identify shortfall / excess of labour for attention:


Once the plan is set it becomes a ‘live’ dynamic operating tool with actual data input into the daily plans by each functional supervisor as it happens and the plan re-aligns to react to actual events in the warehouse:

 Specific Daily / shift / functional performance reporting is update with live information:



Daily activity reporting compiles live overall depot reporting based on any position in time and forecasted position for the end of the week in terms of volume / hours and performance:

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