Gideon Hillman Consulting increases business activities for Rotalink Limited

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  • Gideon Hillman Consulting increases business activities for Rotalink Limited

Gideon Hillman Consulting increase business activities for Rotalink Limited

Rotalink Limited is a leading provider of miniature power transmission motors to a large and expanding customer base.

Recognising their requirement for increased warehouse capacity, whilst experiencing prominent levels of activity, Rotalink wished to better manage their products and deliveries. After conducting a careful selection process, Rotalink chose to work with the experts at one of the UK’s leading Supply Chain and Logistics Consultancies – Gideon Hillman Consulting (GH Consulting).

Awarding this project to the Specialist Logistics and Warehouse Consultant team, Gideon Hillman Consulting have successfully provided Rotalink with a qualified review of their warehousing and distribution operations, alongside providing design layouts and operational areas to support Rotalink’s increased business activities.


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